Message from Our Lady of America (1957): Asked about the future, Padre Pio once reportedly said, “Don’t you see the.
Forums: Hints On The Alleged ‘Warning’?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment only]: New surprising revelations about what the alleged “Great Warning” will.
Forums: A Priest Who Claims Insights On ‘The Warning’
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated for discernment only; we urge caution]: Father Adam Skwarczynski’s Stunning Visions On the.
1990 Prophecy Commentary
December 2004 1990 Cloning And Mixing Of Genes May Bring Us Closer To Alleged Prophetic Events By Michael H. Brown.
What Artificial Intelligence Says About End Of World
We asked ChatGPT, the most popular generative A.I. tool (next to Google!), several questions recently. Call it a lark as.
German Seer With Another Warning
A while ago we had a “Special Report” on an alleged seer from Sievernich, Germany who, despite indications of diocesan.
The 1990 Prophecies
Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content Using Gmail with screen readers Search Compose Labels Inbox 6,315 Starred.
A ‘Venerable’ Priest’s Prediction Of Catastrophe
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated, for discernment]: How the great purification of the world that God will do.
Dublin Exorcist Claims He Received Message On Coming Great War
[resources: Michael Brown online retreat, July 13, 11 am-1 pm EST and Pilgrimage to Medjugorje]
Prophet: Bizarre Or On The Money?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for discernment only]: Alois Irlmaier’s visions of what will happen before the start.
Discernment: Did This Man ‘See’ Future Refuges?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; for careful adjudication only]: What the shelters will be like inside, and who.
Forums: Did Seer Learn Details About ‘Warning’? (Offered For Discernment Only)
From Forums of The Virgin Mary [translated]: How the Warning will come, how to prepare and what will happen next..
Forums: An Alleged Message On Devil’s Infiltration Of Church
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The Vision given to Blessed Palau about Satan’s attack on the.
Discernment Beat: Is This Nun Really Receiving Prohecies?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Revelations from Heaven to a northeastern nun about the events to come. What.
What Would Happen In Nukes Hit Oceans
Prophecy is a concept that has been explored throughout history, offering predictions and insights into the future. One of the most.
Video: A Prophecy
Are Northern Lights Again A Sign Of War?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Prophetic signs are added that indicate the proximity of world war. On October.
Forums: Is October Prophecy Really Valid?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese; views expressed are those of Forums]: What the Virgin of Fátima.
Forums: Did God Reveal Illumination? [For Cautious Discernment]
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: Jesus Christ [allegedly] shows how the Warning will be and says that it.
Forums: How Would ‘Warning’ Take Shape?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated; views expressed are Forum’s]: In what form did the Warning reach seers, what.
New World Order: Hints North Of San Francisco
[adapted from Fear of Fire]: The so-called and alleged “1990 prophecy” [text here] brought to mind various international organizations that were interesting.
28 Pompeii. Sodom. Ancient Rome. Fire. But a quandary remained: how did the axis of the earth and warfare.
Proofread-4 ch 18
Lambs and mice (lambs!) already had been partly gestated in such contraptions. And so there was the prospect of.
Archbishop Sheen On Anti-Christ
Archbishop Fulton Sheen of New York, the greatest Catholic broadcaster in history, appeared on a secular television network, NBC, during.
Church Prophecies That Are Coming True
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The prophecies about the Church and the World that are already being fulfilled.
Souls In Purgatory Confirmed Prophecies?
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; discernments are those of Forums]: In Garabandal the Virgin Mary reinforced the Catholic.
Priest Says He Prophesied Collapse Of Georgia Guidestones
+ [Michael Brown retreat this Saturday]
Follow-Up On ‘Blackout’ Prophecy
Video: The Wilkerson ‘Prophecy’
Marino Restrepo On Second Coming
Years back we carried the extraordinary account of a South American man named Marino Restrepo — a fast-lane music producer.