Lambs and mice (lambs!) already had been partly gestated in such contraptions. And so there was the prospect of.
Fatima Seer’s Name (In Her Own Signature On Bank Check)
A Stone Resembling Mary
From the UK Sun [tabloid]: He was walking with his brother on the outskirts of his hometown of Cairo, Egypt, when.
‘Guadalupe’ Resemblance
What Is ‘Clericalism’?
“Clericalism” refers to an undue influence or emphasis on the authority of the clergy in matters of governance or in.
1990 Prophecy
December 3, 1990: “In four years there will arise a new evil the likes of which mankind has never before.
Forums: How Guardian Angels Change Your Life
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: That angels exist is not something fanciful, it is evidenced by.
How Foreigners Could Use A.I. To Infiltrate Christianity
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese, for discernment]: How foreign forces can enter Christianity in the world.
Signs Galore
Many are the signals in nature. There’s the photo of a small funnel cloud over the U.S. Capitol. Observant visitors.
Forums: Saint Hildegard’s Guide To Health
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The medicine of Saint Hildegard of Bingen is a perfect combination of science.
Forums: Purgatorial Souls Who Visit Churches
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated from Portuguese]: The souls that spend their purgatory in the Churches reveal themselves.
Is This How Jesus Looked At Crucifixion?
Many Are The Plans….
Before we were even formed in our mothers’ wombs, God had great and wonderful plans for each one of us..
A Poem By Archbishop Sheen
“Who’s Minding the Store?” I went to church the other day to free my soul from sin. I was looking.
Claim: Ex-Official Says He Was Told UFOs Are Demonic
A Prayer To God The Father
Prayers: Month Of Precious Blood
Prayer of Protection by the Precious Blood Lord JESUS, by faith in your merits, I now take your Precious Blood.
Archbishop Sheen On Anti-Christ
Archbishop Fulton Sheen of New York, the greatest Catholic broadcaster in history, appeared on a secular television network, NBC, during.
Revelations And The Church
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translation; views are those of Forums]: The power of the revelations of Jesus himself.
Ivanka’s Annual Apparition, June 25, 2023
From Medjugorje (official website): + OUR LADY’S ANNUAL APPARITION TO IVANKA JUNE 25, 2023 + The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had.
The Mystique Of Castles
Title: Ghosts and Castles: An Exploration into the Supernatural and Architectural Elegance Introduction The intrinsic intertwining of the.
Was This True ‘Letter’ From Jesus?
Internet scuttlebut: Consecrating the Drops of Blood which Our Lord lost on His way to Calvary. Copy of a letter.
Reverse The Curse By Praying For Antagonists
Reverse the curse. When someone is winging fiery darts at you, quench the flame. Do it through discipline. Do that.
Castles Title: Ghosts and Castles: An Exploration into the Supernatural and Architectural Elegance Introduction The intrinsic intertwining of.
Angels Everywhere
From Opus Santorum Angelorum: In the early 1990’s my husband and I and our 7 children moved into a rental.
Church Prophecies That Are Coming True
From Forums of the Virgin Mary [translated]: The prophecies about the Church and the World that are already being fulfilled.
Prayer To Saint Anthony
O Holy St. Anthony gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when.
Archives: Slow Down Time By Heading For Blessed Sacrament
By Michael H. Brown I have this sense that things are accelerating. Do you feel the same way? First, of.
A Priest’s Guidance For His Students
June 7, 2023 Dear Holy Cross Class of 2023, Peace and Good! Well, you made it! I know you are.