A suffering soul in purgatory to Sister M.
at a cloister in 19th century France (from
Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory):
"If you could only know what I suffer! Pray for me, please. I suffer
intensely everywhere. My God, how merciful You are! No one can imagine
what Purgatory is like. Be kind and take pity on the poor souls.
"May 1874. I have been in the second Purgatory since the Feast of the
Annunciation. On that day I saw the Blessed Virgin for the first time. In
the first stage, we never saw her. The sight of her encourages us and this
beloved Mother speaks to us of Heaven. While we see her, our sufferings
are greatly diminished.
"You do well to pray to St. Michael and to urge others to do so. One is
indeed happy at the hour of death when he has had confidence in some of
the saints. They will be his protectors before God in that terrible
"Make it a practice to live in the presence of God with a pure intention.
God seeks devoted souls who will love Him for His own sake. These are very
few. He wants you to be one of His true friends. Many think they love God,
but they love Him for their own sakes.
"February 1875. Watch carefully over your interior life. Keep all your
small troubles for Jesus alone. He is well able to make up to you for
whatever He takes from you. Your life must be one of unceasing interior
acts of love and of mortification, but God alone must know of it. Do
nothing extraordinary. Lead a very hidden life, yet one closely united to
"Love God very much. How happy are the souls that do this. They possess a
treasure! The great penance of your life will be, not the absence of your
Jesus but great sorrow for all the pain you have given Him, by your
failure to love Him as you desire, in return for the overwhelming number
of graces which He has showered upon you and which He will continue to
shower upon you.
"Love everyone, but do not put your trust entirely in anyone, because Jesus
wants to be your great confidant. Everything for Him and for Him alone.
Perform all your actions in the presence of God as I have so often told
you. Consult Him before all you do or say. Let your life be one of faith
and love... Do nothing to distinguish yourself. Without offending anyone,
avoid the company of those who are too unreserved and those who are
uncharitable. As for yourself, be busy about your own affairs. Keep your
opinions to yourself and never express them unless obliged to do so. Be
preoccupied with only that one subject, the mainspring of your life,
"December 8, 1875. Love God intensely. Do not fear your own suffering.
Trust in Him, never in yourself. Die to yourself from morning to night...
Do not breathe or live except for Jesus Christ. God must be your only
confidant. Complain to no one except for Him. Be quite hidden from the
eyes of everyone else.
"Feast of the Annunciation. When God wishes a soul to be entirely His, He
begins by crushing it, very much as apples are crushed in the press—to
extract its passions, its self-seeking, in a word, all its defects. When a
soul is sufficiently broken, He reshapes it according to His will. If it
is faithful, it is soon transformed. Only then does Jesus load it with His
choicest graces and inundate it with His love.
"Jesus wants you to deal with Him, as with an intimate friend, without any
fear whatsoever. It is true that His Majesty is frightening and that you
are not worthy to have such intimate converse with your Jesus, but is He
not the Master that enriches whomsoever He wills? Ask Jesus to make you
rich in every virtue, as He wishes you to be, but in the meantime, shape
your life in accordance with His inspirations. Enlarge your heart because
what Jesus desires above all things is to see in it His love. What
wonderful graces you will receive if you are faithful, graces you have
never even thought of.
"May 12th. Mortify yourself corporally, but more especially spiritually.
Forget yourself. Deny yourself in everything. Never look at what others
are doing. God does not demand the same perfection from everyone. All are
not enlightened in the same way, but you, whom Jesus Himself enlightens,
look only to Him, let Him be your aim and object in everything.
"Never grow weary in your work. Begin each day as if you had so far done
nothing. This continual renouncement of one’s will and comfort and one’s
own opinions is a long martyrdom, but it is most pleasing to God. God
wants you to be something special, not as regards your exterior, but in
your inner soul. He asks of you a union with Himself, so great that you
never lose sight of Him, even amidst your absorbing occupations.
"While on earth one truly cannot picture or imagine what God really is, but
we (in Purgatory) know and understand Him for what He is, because our
souls are freed from all the ties that fettered them and prevented them
from realizing the holiness and majesty of God, and His great mercy. We
are martyrs, consumed as it were by love. An irresistible force draws us
towards God who is our center, but at the same time another force thrusts
us back to our place of expiation. We are in the state of being unable to
satisfy our longings. Oh, what a suffering that is, but we desire it and
there is no murmuring against God here. We desire only what God wants. You
on earth, however, cannot possibly understand what we have to endure.
"Be ingenious in mortifying yourself and in breaking your own will. Be
especially nice to those who are less agreeable to you than to others, no
matter what wrong they may have done to you. This means renouncing
yourself and pleasing Jesus. Nothing else matters. It is on these
occasions that you must silence the human will, but you must do it because
Jesus wills it. Do not allow self-love to get the upper hand, but do all
blindly to please Jesus alone."
[resources: Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory]
Praying the 27-day Family Tree novena
The first nine days for our Father’s side.
The next nine days for our Mother’s side.
The next nine days for yourself.
The Creed, Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and Glory be.
Then fourteen times:
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be and
Eternal rest grant unto them O! Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. Amen.
Make an act of Contrition.
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