Some years ago we received this from viewer Gregory Enos:
I just read the piece about the incorrupt body of the late Venerable. Pope John XXIII. It may be interesting for you to know that my late Uncle Francis ("Bud") S. Weisenborn, who was killed in action as a Staff Sergeant in the 109th Infantry Division, on October 13, 1944, was buried with just a shroud and his bloody uniform to cover his body after his death.
When his body was disinterred for transfer to a permanent grave in the U.S. Military cemetery in Belgium, in 1947, the officer who supervised the opening made the written remark as to the condition of my Uncle's body, which had by that time been in the ground for three years: "body intact".
What makes this more interesting is that my Uncle's "buddies," when the war was over, looked up another of my uncles, a priest stationed in Massachusetts, to tell him of how my Uncle "Bud" died. They said that they were sent out to defend a position from the Germans, and ran into the Germans by ambush. Upon being exposed to enemy fire, my Uncle ordered his men to retreat while he alone stayed out in the open to "cover" his platoon's retreat. Of course, the Germans "got" him, and he was later found dying, with a bloody Bible and a Rosary in his hands. When he was buried afterward, they had to break the Rosary in order to send it home with his other effects. But, all of his men were saved from death or injury.
I think that there may be many more GIs buried around the world where terrible battles were fought in that war, who also gave their lives to save their friends, fulfilling that famous passage "greater love than this has no man, that he lays his life down for his friends". In 2002 my wife Patricia and I finally got to see Uncle Bud's grave in Belgium, and though I had never seen him, I cried like a baby, as I had always felt a personal connection to him and my cousin George Debbold, who also gave his life for his friends in that war.