you ever stop to contemplate the spiritual power of a baby? They're innocent
-- fresh from Heaven -- and breathe purity. One priest recently said that he
would take the power of the presence of an infant over that of an adult healer.
A baby enters the world and brings people together, as Jesus was a magnet in the manger. A baby comes with angels -- as an angel appeared to the shepherds. Angels heal. A baby loves without reserve (there is healing in love) and does not judge. A baby finds joy in simplicity.
From the very start of life, a person -- a baby -- has a mission. Some babies complete their task by the simple act of birth and what they convey during that birth.
There is healing in purity and we appreciate better the Power of the Infant Jesus.
Can we seek special healing at this time of year? Can it help us with inner and exterior health for the new year?
A new year is like an infant and we must work to preserve its freshness. The Bible tells us that we reach Heaven only if we are as a child, which offers yet more food for meditation.
We are sullied by the temptations of this world and must seek to cleanse our souls to the whiteness with which we were born before we are born into eternity.
We have to erase bad habits. We have to love without reserve. We have to cleanse ourselves of criticality.
An infant is humble. An infant has no bias. An infant is unafraid to show emotions. An infant is honest. They bring joy as Christ as joy to the world. Our world is joyless because we have negated so many -- halted the entry of joy millions of times.
is a double tragedy that we realize, then, with
abortion. In fact, those who terminate the life of an unborn child often
suffer mental and physical ills while having a baby has been found to
promote health. Birth lowers the chance, it has been found, of breast
cancer (while those who abort suffer a higher rate). The more children, the
less the risk.
One study in England shows that mental illness is more common following first-time abortion. As the number of abortions grows, so does antidepressant use. There has been a radical upswing in the incidence of British breast cancer since the legalization of abortion. Rates of breast cancer have risen by an astonishing eighty per cent since the late Seventies. The same is true elsewhere. We see then the actual scientific foundation for the healing of the innocents!
They love and are close to God and bring God around us!
That's why Nero tried to destroy them.
"A Sacramento family is experiencing its own Christmas miracle after doctors performed emergency surgery to save twins when they thought the mother was dying of a heart attack," said a fascinating news story last week.
"Theresa Fuavai-Fatu's heart stopped while she was at Mercy General Hospital in early November after complaining of having trouble breathing. The forty-year-old mother was just 29-weeks pregnant and was not due until late January. Without a pulse, she underwent an emergency Caesarean section, with doctors delivering a boy and a girl. As the obstetrician was closing the incision, the mother suddenly regained her pulse and opened her eyes."
With the babies came a wonder.
Note the new year is symbolized by an infant. Through children comes the Holy Spirit. Through the mouth of babes, often, comes the truth. Through them comes a fresh start when we are in tune with the spirit of The Infant.
Want heaven? Want health?
Plead the spirit of the Infant Jesus. Plead His breath.
Be "born again" (however "uncool" or unmanly it seems, in our strange culture).
That is, regain the purity and true manliness or womanliness with which you were born and like a baby, love without holding back.
[resources: Houston retreat with Michael Brown]
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