Let's jump to a few mailbag topics.
First, Maureen O'Brien, whose photos we used a few weeks back on the front page, but that are yet more telling up close.
As Maureen had explained: "Several members of my parish went to the
abortion 'clinic' in Attleboro, Massachusetts, on Saturday, November 1. One
of us noticed this unusual image on a tree in the area where we were praying
and took these photos. Some see the baby in the womb, as on the sign, and
others see Our Lady holding a baby. Thought you would find it interesting!
Peace and blessings!"
We get much that is intriguing in the mail.
We post many articles on food and health.
As another viewer notes, each body is different.
"After prayer and much listening I have stopped eating concentrated carbohydrates and hydrogenated oils," wrote Matt from western Australia. "I have been eating high-saturated fat (coconut oil, butter, cream, etc), low-carb vegetables and salads, and small portions of meat, and have been feeling immense wellbeing. Great weight loss and very clear thinking, and excellent restful sleep. I don't snore anymore, and I'm far lighter on my feet. I am a laborer and work very hard in all weathers, and for a long time had low energy and woke up tired each morning. Now I have real energy and drive. I was worried that this kind of diet was dangerous considering what the prevailing wisdom has been saying. I feel it was a confirmation that now many nutritionists are saying that sugar and starches are responsible for heart disease and many other medical conditions."
The key to what to eat: as Matt indicated, prayer. The Holy Spirit knows best what your body needs and what it should not have. Although we certainly heed their advice, perhaps it's the case that medical researchers too quickly make blanket judgments.
Intriguing was a note from Mary Davis of Pearl River, Louisiana. "I have a devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes," she said. " Last [month], on All Souls Day, while reading an article on Lourdes, I read that the rosary that Our Lady held at the first apparition was a six- decade rosary. When St. Bernadette asked why she had a six-decade rosary, she was told that the extra decade was for the poor souls in purgatory." We had not heard of that. But as Mary went on, "I have been practically consumed this past week researching this. There is definitely a six-decade rosary used by the Camelites. And there is a Brigittine rosary of six decades. I saw an enlarged picture of the Crowned Virgin in Lourdes and there does seem to be a six-decade rosary in her hand. The six- decade rosary is said somewhat differently with meditations on the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. On Catholic Answers, there are people who say they have been to Lourdes and say this connection to the apparitions is true." In a further e-mail, after further research, she added, "Some say the sixth decade is for the poor souls. Others say it is to honor the Immaculate Conception. The Carmelite six-decade Rosary definitely honors Mary and her Immaculate Conception. The fact is that the six- decade rosary originated with St. Bridgit of Sweden (1303-1373). I think that the original Brigittine rosary must have added the sixth decade with the intention of praying for the poor souls because St. Bridgit could not have intended the sixth decade to honor the Immaculate Conception since it had not been declared a dogma of the church at that time. That was to be about another 500 years 'down the road'. However, St. Bridgit had a very deep devotion to praying for the souls in purgatory. Several articles on the internet say that St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) visited a Brigittine monastary and that the nuns there introduced her to the six-decade rosary. She decided to adopt it for her Discalced Carmelites. I have learned a lot, but why, if this is true, have I never heard of this?"
Why indeed.
Now on to the very foundation of the Vatican.
Another Australian named Andrew Rabel noted, in response to the Vatican's recent display of what are believed to be bone fragments from Saint Peter: "Many years ago, I owned a book called The Bones of St. Peter. Between 1939 and 1949, an archaeological team overseen by the Administrator of St Peter's, Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, uncovered a complex system of pagan mausoleums under the foundations of St. Peter's Basilica (the so-called Vatican Necropolis), dating to the second and third centuries. Construction of Constantine's Old St. Peter's Basilica and of foundations for Bernini's Baldacchino destroyed most of the vaulting of these semi-subterranean burial chambers. Among them was the so-called 'Tomb of the Julii' with mosaics that appeared to be Christian. No mausoleum had ever been built directly beneath the present high altar of St Peter's, which did however contain shallow burials, one dated by an impressed tile to the reign of Vespasian subsequently they had been attended with care, as later burials clustered round but did not encroach upon the space. There was a small niched monument built into a wall around AD 160.
"The discoveries made the pages of Life magazine In 1942, Monsignor Kaas, found remains in a second tomb in the monument. Being concerned that these presumed relics of a saint would not be accorded the respect they deserved, and having little understanding of correct archeological procedures, he secretly ordered these remains stored elsewhere for safe-keeping. He also feared the possibility of their confiscation by the Nazis, if they had known about its discovery. After Kaas's death, Professor Margherita Guarducci discovered these relics by chance. She informed Pope Paul VI of her belief that these remains were those of St. Peter. Bone testing revealed that the remains belonged to a man in his sixties. On June 26, 1968, Pope Paul VI announced that the relics of St. Peter had been discovered. (Courtesy of Wikipedia). Apologists for the Catholic faith have always been delighted with these discoveries, as they reinforce the conviction that the Church, is built on the martyrdom of St Peter, of which the bishop of Rome is his successor. The fact that the basilica named after him, had his bones is just extraordinary."
On this rock...
"Regarding your story on 'signs and wonders," noted viewer George Creel of Williamstown, New Jersey. "Did you see the Gospel reading for today? What a ‘coincidence’! Just in case you haven’t seen it, here’s the first sentence, and it goes right to your point yesterday: Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I give you praise, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. What timing!"
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[Note also: Michael Brown retreats: Florida and North Carolina]
[see also: The holy bones of the first Holy Father]
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